Did you inform us your name in japanese with KATAKANA like ヨハン・セバスチャン・バッハ..?  

We need your name written in Japanese on the certificate if you pass the examination.  Please inform your name in Kanji, Katakana or Hiragana in Japanese way if you have not done yet by the application.


By the entrance of examination, we do not have specific application ID.  However, we will check with your own ID.


Examination room is on the ground floor  in the big conference room. Ms.Dr.Roos or Mr.Kawasaki is waiting for you inside at the entrance and inform you about it. The test starts at 13:30. Please arrive early enough.  

If you have some problem, please call examiner Kawasaki 0152-3172 3829.

The Kanken Kanji Test in Duesseldorf by VHS is being held at VHS Düsseldorf, Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 1, 40227 Düsseldorf, directly behind HBF.


Detailed video explanation of the location


The test starts at 13:30 and we expect you at latest 13:15 on the 4th. floor, room no. 4.22/4.23 or ground floor, where we we would like to confirm your identity with your ID, passport or driver license.


The flow of the test:

After entering the examination room, you are not allowed anymore to see the text book...etc.

Please put everything in your bag like text book and OFF-switched mobile phone..etc. except pencils, pencil sharpener and eraser. Bottle of water and wrist watch without sound and written any kanji is allowed to have on the desk.


Between 13:15 - 13:25, the examiner explains how to proceed the test in details.


The test starts at 13.30.

At 14.10 ends the test for A group such as 8, 9 and 10 Kyu.

At 14.30 ends the test for B group such as 2 - 7 Kyu.


The duration time of both group is therefore 40 min. for group A and 60 min. for group B.

Between 13.50 and 14.00, the examiner announces the half time of each group and at 14:00 as well as at 14:20, 10

min. before finishing time for each group.


The explanation how to proceed the test in details:

A) Please use only the pencil to write down answers as the computer system in Japan can only recognize the the carbon of pencils.


B) By mistake in writing answers, please use the eraser to erase and rewrite new answer.


C) On the desk, only pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, wrist watch without ton and drink bottle without Kanji writing are allowed to keep.


D) Please do not touch the test format until the test start. If you turn over, you will find the questions on the last pages by group A.


E) Any electrical equipment such as for example smart phone must be kept in your bag under the desk switched off.


F) The test is actually prepared for Japanese in Japanese language. All questions are written in Japanese. Therefore, if someone has some questions, please ask the examiner individually even during the test by lifting the hand.


G) The way of writing in Kanji must be as clear as possible and correctly in the writing box. 


H) The answer format must not be folded. 


I) Please do not forget the last page on the back by 8. - 10. Kyu.


J) The answer format and the question format for 8, 9 and 10 Kyu are together in one. Please do not detach.


K) If you finish the test before 40 min.(8, 9 and 10 Kyu) / 60min.(2 – 7 Kyu), you can give your question and answer format back to the examiner and leave the room.


8 - 9 weeks after the test, you will receive your own individual result of the test.




About japanese Kanji..:


There are Chinese Kanji and Japanese Kanji mixed in Japanese language along withHiragana and Katakana added.


Original Kanji came from China during Yayoi period (500 BC – 300 AC).


With the original Chinese Kanji, Japanese added and created new Kanjis for things which did not exist in Chinese language.


Additionally, at the end of Edo period and Meiji era, a lot of new Kanjis werecreated in Japan for terms which came from Europe.


Because of the victory of Japan by First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War, over 60.000 Chinese students went to Japan to study.


They translated Japanese translation of European books to Chinese. Therefore, a lot of those Japanese Kanjis remained in Chinese translation.


Wang Akira of Nanking University stated, approximately 70% of today’s Kanji in China are converted in Japan, mainly from the Meiji era.


Samples of Kanji made in Japan..:


匂、働、塀、峠、込、枠、栃、搾、畑、腺、〆、俣、俤、俥、働、㓇、凧、凩、凪、刀、屶、勹、匁、匂、口、叺、呎、哘、喰、噸、噺、囎、土、圦、圷、圸、垈、垰、垳、埖、塀、塰、墹、壗、女、嬶、山、屶、岼、岾、峅、峠、嵶、弓、弖、辵、辶、辷、込、辻、迚、﨤、逧、遖、心、怺、手、扖、扨、挘、掵、搾、木、杁、杢、杣、杤、杦、枠、枡、柾、栂、栃、桛、桝、梺、梻、椛、椙、椚、椡、椣、椥、椨、楾、楿、榀、榁、榊、槝、樮、樰、樫、橲、橳、橸、櫤、欟、毛、毟、毮、水 、溂、澚、濹、火、熕、燵、玉 、王、琓、瓦、瓧、瓩、瓰、瓱、瓲、瓸、甅、田、畑、畠、畩、癪、石、硲、硴、禾、穝、立、竍、竏、竓、竕、竡、竰、竹、笂、笹、笽、簓、簗、簱、籏、籡、米、籵、籾、粁、粂、粍、粏、粨、粫、粭、糀、糎、糘、䋆、綛、縅、縨、繧、纃、纐、耳、聢、肉、月、脵、腺、膤、膵、舟、艝、艠、艸、苆、荢、䓔、萙、萢、蒅、蓙、蓜、薭、蘰、虫、蚫、﨡、蛯、螧、蟎、蟐、蟵、衣、袰、裃、裄、褄、褜、襅、襷、言、誮、諚、身、躮、躵、躾、軅、軈、車、轌、酉、酛、金、釻、鈨、銯、鋲、錵、錺、錻、鎹、鎺、鏱、鑓、門 、閊、閖、雨、雫、靍、靎、靏、革、鞆、鞐、風、风、颪、食 、饂、馬、駲、魚、魞、魸、魹、鮇、鮖、鮗、鮟、鮱、鮲、鮴、鯎、鯏、鯐、鯑、鯒、鯰、鯱、鯲、鯳、鰙、鰘、鰚、鰡、鰯、鰰、鱇、鱈、鱚、鱛、鱜、鱩、鱪、鱫、鱰、鳥、鳰、鴫、鵆、鵇、鵈、鵤、鵥、鶍、鶎、鶫、麻、麿、暗示、意識、遺伝、入口、右翼、運動、栄養、演出、演説、鉛筆、温度、階級、会計、概算、回収、会談、概念、解放、科学、活躍、化膿、環境、関係、間接、簡単、幹部、議員、議院、議会、企業、喜劇、気質、基準、規則、基地、規範、義務、共産主義、協定、業務、教養、共和国、記録、金額、銀行、金融、空間、偶然、組合、軍国主義、計画、計器、景気、経験、経済、経済恐慌、警察、芸術、系統、経費、劇場、化粧品、決算、権威、現役、現金、原作、現実、現象、原則、建築、原理、講演、効果、抗議、工業、広告、講座、交際、光線、交通、肯定、公認、高利貸、効率、小型、国際、克服、故障、固定、債券、財閥、債務、作者、作家、雑誌、左翼、紫外線、時間、茂樹、施行、施工、市場、指数、思想、実感、実業、失効、実績、質量、失恋、指導、支配、資本、社会、自由、宗教、集団、終点、就任、主観、出発点、出版、蒸気、乗客、商業、証券、条件、常識、承認、消費、情報、私立、資料、進化、人権、信託、新聞記者、人民、信用、心理学、侵略、制限、政策、清算、生産、精神、性能、積極、絶対、接吻、繊維、選挙、宣伝、総合、想像、速度、体育、退化、大気、代議士、対局、対象、体操、代表、立場、棚卸、単位、探検、単純、蛋白質、知識、抽象、直接、定義、出口、哲学、電子、電車、伝染病、電波、電報、展覧会、電流、電話、動員、投資、独裁、図書館、内閣、内容、日程、任命、熱帯、年度、能率、背景、派遣、覇権、場所、発明、反響、反射、反対、反応、悲観、悲劇、美術、必要、否定、否認、批評、備品、評価、標語、広場、舞台、物質、物理学、不動産、文化、文学、分子、分析、分配、文明、方案、方式、放射、方針、法人、法則、方程式、法律、保険、母校、保障、本質、漫画、蜜月、密度、民族、民放、無産階級、明確、目的、目標、輸出、要素、拉致、理想、理念、了解、領海、領空、領土、理論、類型、冷戦、歴史、労働者、論理学、唯心論、唯物論、輸出入、論理学、最恵国、重工業、伝染病、一元化、多元化、一般化、公式化、特殊化、流動式、簡易式、西洋式、日本式、旧式、関節炎、気管炎、皮膚炎、胃腸炎、生産力、消費力、想像力、労働力、記憶力、表現力、可能性、現実性、必然性、偶然性、伝統性、習慣性、歴史的、科学的、自然的、必然的、相対的、絶対的、文学界、芸術界、学術界、金融界、新聞界、教育界、流線型、標準型、危機感、優越感、注意点、出発点、人生観、世界観、生命線、警戒線、生産率、増長率、使用率、弁証法、分析法、表現法、選挙法、芸術品、半成品、記念品、労働者、工作者、副作用、新時代、同化作用、光合作用、心理作用、副作用、労働組合、同化作用、光合作用、心理作用、精神作用、人口問題、土地問題、社会問題、民族問題、教育問題、鉄器時代、原始時代、原始社会、封建社会、社会主義、国際社会、人道主義、自然主義、浪漫主義、現実主義、地主階級、資産階級、農民階級、無産階級、中産階級、新石器時代、青銅器時代…etc.


Deutsche und japanische Voelkerverstaendigung e.V.




40670 Meerbusch

 DHL 968354098